I've been tagged by my Sis.
3 things...
3 current goals: goal is a 4 letter word in my world. I do have one, daily scripture study. I've kept it since Christmas, shocking I know. I love this quote, "Goals are stars to strive for, not sticks to beat yourself with." Barbara B. Smith
3 current obsessions: Hispanitas Girasol slingbacks. I tried them on, hoped they'd go on sale and my patience paid off. Nut Goodies. Jordan's emails.
3 fears: heights, fires, no new entries in my google reader
3 random facts: I listen to The Osmonds 50th Anniversary CD in my car, I love Ingrid Bergman movies, I've never mowed the lawn.
A: Nut Goodies remind me of my mom, she loved those things!
B: My favorite quote about goals: "Please don't nag yourself with thoughts of failure. Do not set goals far beyond your capacity to achieve. Simply do the best you can, in the best way you know, and the Lord will accept your effort." --Gordon B. Hinckley
C: The OSMONDS?!!? Really??
Nut Goodie...Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!! Did you bring a box back from Minnesota?
Boy this background looks familiar...I love it too!
Take care and have a great week!
Hey, I've never mowed the lawn either...
Hey, I have never mowed the lawn either. I know women who do it, and enjoy it, I just don't think I am one. I am pretty sure my goal in life is to make it through without ever mowing the lawn. Good one huh, maybe I need a better goal! I hope you're feeling ok!
hilarious - the fear of nothing in your google reader is so true!
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