a. the deep red color which goes with my red devil eyes
b. the jean jacket cut
c. it satisfies my inner biker chick
I don't really want to drive or ride a motorcycle, I just want to look like I do. It looks really tough with skinny jeans, knee-high boots and a sparkly belt, but doesn't everything?
This jacket was acquired years ago in Quebec. Canada has some fine leather goods.
I have had a freakin giant cold sore this week. My lip reached another time zone. I looked like I had been punched in the lip and I felt like I wanted to punch someone in the lip. I had Lisa Rinna lips. Not cute. Why do people pump their lips with junk. I'm not a fan. Luckily, it is not so apparent in this picture. I hate cold sores. Hate.
I hate cold sores too, but who's looking at your lips with that fabu jacket??
Can't decide what I love more - your fabulous jacket or that gorgeous color on the wall behind you.
You are a fashion mogul.
Ah, you should have had the lip come visit! We could have chatted...
Always have loved that jacket...
I agree with Christie. I love your wall color, too. Both you and Annemarie have great taste in paint.
I really love the cut of that jacket, too. It isn't too boxy. I can see why you love the color. It is great. You look fantastic.
So, I guess you will never be tempted to get lip injections...
Check you out with your bad self..."inner biker chick" is coming to the surface!
Come on - just admit that you went a little to far with the injection. We will still love you.
You look HOTTTTT!!! Love the color of the jacket!
lisa rinna. that is the funniest thing i've heard all day. she reminds me of levar burton as kunta kinte.
that jacket is gorgeous. where did you get it? christmas is coming. time to stat dropping hints to my man.
Lookin good Diane! Good luck with the pics, have fun in Utah!
LOVE the jacket. H. O. T.
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