Saturday, May 30, 2009

Experiment in Hair

I've been thinking about it since February when I met a stunning woman about my age who did it...and I have finally made a decision to go gray. That's right, starting today I'm going to go for it. I had my hair cut and weaved without touching up all my regrowth because let's face it I will do this gracefully without the big fat line. Can you see my grey roots? I can. We will see how long I can stand the transition period which will be long and painful I'm afraid. I've been bored with my hair and after seeing three chic women around my age go for it, I am inspired. My inner cha-cha hair stylist is screaming at me saying, "what are you thinking crazy lady!" My inner feminist has thought about this possibility for years. She says, "why do you allow society to dictate what a 47 year old should look like." I am woman hear me roar. I read a journal of a woman who did this at my age in More magazine a few years ago and thought it was brave and cool. I may lose my courage but I'm going for it.

I will document my experience here. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Like when I start to look like a mouse. I honestly don't know what color my hair is. But I'm fairly certain it is a shade of grey. I've been highlighting and coloring since I was 14. I have some friends and a sister who will tell me when to throw in the towel if need be. I figure if I have the right wardrobe and haircut I can pull it off.

I have visions of looking cool like Jaime Lee Curtis.

I fear I may look like Susan Boyle. Join me in the journey.

I wish there was a way to try it quickly and pain free.
I love this post by the original Platinum Princess.


Liz said...

I've colored (highlighted) my hair once or twice in my life. Not for several years now. I figure I've earned the gray...worked hard for it. It's a symbol of the struggles I've lived through and the children I've raised. I know that if anyone can pull it off and do so gracefully it's YOU!! What a fun adventure! Good luck!

tawnya said...

You ARE woman! Yay my feminist sister!

(I may be feminist, but I'll TOTALLY tell you if you start looking like Boyle. I promise! There's gracefully and then there's "please do some touch ups!)

calibosmom said...

You go girl! Embrace your natural self-just don't stop shaving! I can't wait for future installments so I can learn from your wisdom. I'm following right behind you...

Bridget said...

You are way more Jamie than Susan! Although that picture made me laugh. YOu will look great. Can't wait to see the journey.

♥Shally said...

I can see you rockin' it like Jamie!

Kimberly said...

I love it! Let's face it, you wil be beautiful and classy (and fashionable!) no matter your hair color. I thought you might also be cutting it off a la Jamie Lee...

Hollyween said...

Okay. My mom decided to do the same thing. Her gray growout just got to be too much to handle. She would have to go like every two weeks. So she decided to grow it out. And let me tell you, it was painful for her.... and me too. I always saw my mom a certain way and it took me a really long time to get used to. But she rocks it and now I like it. Here's some pics of her before and afters just for YOU.
After (she's the bottom pic):

ferntyler said...

I'm scared and excited for you - I'm not sure I'm liking Jamie's cut for you, but the color has potential - don't you think she has some grey lowlights in there, though?

Hazen5 said...

You can pull anything off with style. I am excited to see the end result. I even like Jamie's haircut, are you thinking about that too?

Tristan said...

You are going to look fabulous! My Mom went gray when she was about 45. I think the salt and pepper look is great if it is done the right way. And I have no doubt you'll do it up fantastically!

Robin said...

You have my complete support and I agree with your other fans, you are way more like Jamie. Classy, well groomed, attractive.

Yay! If you get discouraged call my mom.

Linda said...

You scared me, I thought you were gonna say you were cutting all of your beautiful hair off! Thank goodness you're only going gray!

My neighbor had the cute, sassy Jaime haircut and could pull it off graciously and beautifully. It all depends on the color gray that comes through. Mine would be dull and lifeless. I'd probably be ALL gray if I didn't color regularly.

Linda Austin Hart said...

Hang in there. It will take several months, depending on how short you are willing to cut your hair, since average growth is o 6" per year. It took me 11 months to get to the point where I was willing tto go without one of my wigs, but my transition was from almost black hair. Yours wil be easier & I think you will be happy with the results! Thanks for linking to my platinum princess post on thebossyblog.

Jenna Harris said...

I will be watching. My hair color changed from dark blonde to bruinette after baby #2. I started graying at 29. I have a feeling that my "real" color is really hideous. But I'm dying to see what yours looks like.

Alex said...

You are brave girl ! But I think you can pull it off since you're starting with such light hair anyway. Can't wait to see your progress. By the way 47, is soooo not old!

Rae said...

I love Curtis' hair and I can totally see you pulling this off mah-velously!!! Can't wait to see the end result!!!

Paige said...

I think you are crazy. You are only 47! You are hot! At least you'll only be one dye job away from total beauty if it fails. I'll be watching with fascination.

Paige said...

I am the voice of dissension. I think Jamie Lee Curtis would look better if she dyed her hair!! but I'm behind you anyway.

Robin said...

Actually, Mattie is married to Luke Spencer, but not from General Hospital. I think you would like the book because you are smart, clever, a little sassy, and strong.

Emily said...

Oh man! I love Jamie's hair. If I had a hot body and a nice golden tan, I think I'd chop all my hair off like Jamie's--regardless of color.

This will make for very interesting blog posts! Way to go!

Jenibelle said...

WOW! So much braver than I. I can't wait to see the transition!! Whatever you do looks 1,000 times classier than I could pull off. I will go to gray kicking and screaming. (and paying biggo buckos)

Lauren in GA said...

If anyone can pull it off, you can, my dear.

Maybe it will be white. I think that is always so beautiful...