A couple of months ago I asked Brynn what she wanted for Christmas this year.
Her response. "I don't want anything. I just want to do nice stuff for people." Okay, do you know any 17 year olds that would say that? In lieu of gifts she got a cash card to do her good works. She has lots of good ideas and is totally excited to spread the love.

She is at the top of the nice list. Does anyone know where I can buy a halo for her?
Wow! I am way impressed!! I can only hope my girls will aspire to be like your Brynn. I took them out last night to buy gifts for their brother and the church's giving tree all with their own money. They did well but I can't imagine how it would be if it was all their idea!!
Go Brynn! And I think she definitely has some of you, in there...
i heard beyonce has one for sale.
I want to hear all about her giving ideas. She sounds delightful!
I love that girl more than I can even express. I'm so glad Lizzie hs such a great role model.
That is really wonderful and impressive. What a wonderful young lady she is.
That was awesome that you got her the cash card so that she could bless the lives of others. You are both awesome.
I agree...I like presents...yeah, I like service too but I really like presents!
My Mom says and does this, but she is 60. Wow, wow, wow.
What a sweetheart! And she is like you! You would give the designer party cardi off your back for any one of us! ;)
Brynn is something special, that is for sure :)
Wow, she really is an angel. So nice to hear such that there are sweet giving teenagers in the world of selfishness. You raised her right. Good job.
I want to hear some of the stuff she does. Maybe on a private blog somewhere, if she's trying to be all anonymous.
holy moly. this girl is a keeper.
Tristan is right...you would indeed give the party cardi off of your back for any one of us ☺
I know any halo you find will be the blingiest on the block!
Got your cute card in the mail today. Your family is so beautiful.
I have always thought of her as an Angel and this just proves it!
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