In order to spend Thanksgiving with these two we went up north for a visit. We were informed by Evan that he and Jenni would not be able to come home for Thanksgiving due to a previous commitment.

BYU vs Utah football game. I know where I stand on his list of priorities...

Sis agreed to host the festivities. She is an amazing cook. Besides the company, the highlight of the meal for me was the homemade rolls. Just like Mom used to make. I'm still dreaming about them.
Full plates, full mouths, full hearts.

These two took a course in Pie 101 from the
head chef.
I am looking forward to many years of caramel apple pie.
I am thankful that I have never cooked a holiday meal and I don't want to break my perfect record.

This little one baked rolls for the first time. She is a natural.

I am bowing in a moment of silence for the rolls and sweet potatoes.
Looks like a lovely holiday with fabulous company.
I'm glad you photo documented it because I don't think I took one pic.
The rolls are FIANLLY gone!
I am glad Evan has his priorities ;)
Oh, it looks like it was fabulous. Annemarie is amazing. Those rolls look so heavenly. I can see why you needed a moment of must be so hard to say goodbye ☺.
Annemarie...will you cook for me?
MMMMmmm. THanksgiving cooked by Annemarie.
And seriously? NEver cooked a holiday meal??
You have never cooked?? Awesome!! So far I haven't either. I don't count the time my Hubby fried a turkey to share with our potluck Thanksgiving we had with friends in CA a few years ago.
OH! And that football game is for sure a big priority! ;)
i can appreciate your reverence for rolls.
Looks like Thanksgiving was yummy! You're so lucky to have a chef for a sister :)!
Seriously, you've gotten out of cooking a holiday meal all your life?? That is an amazing feat! I'm impressed. :)
We had a good meal, but I didn't take any pictures because everyone was too hungry to pose and it looked more like the medieval times dinner they had the night before as they ravenously consumed the bird and the pig, gathering sustanance for the Black Plague...eerrr Black Friday that begins shortly after dinner on Thanksgiving Day! Not so civilized at this Naylor home!
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