Thanks to our blogging mafia circle as Andrea named us, Elder Jordan has been spotted in North Boise. It made my day, actually my week!
Robin said...
My mom said that he was at her ward on Sunday (at least we know he is going to church) and she met him! I am sure she will feed him. She loves the missionaries.
Linda said...
He was greeting members at our chapel door Sunday! I shook hands with him & introduced myself, then a few minutes later when my husband arrived I introduced them. He has a great handshake and a ready smile. I hope he wasn't just there for one week & is permanently assigned to Hillside Ward. It will be fun to tell him that my daughter is Robin and that we both read your blog. I will try to remember to take my camera to church with me on Sunday so that I can send you a picture of him in action. We will be leaving for 5 weeks, but when we return mid January we'll feed him if he's still in our stake.
Thanks girls! You are the best blogging mafia circle ever. I hope to be able to return the kindness someday soon.
That is SO fun!! It will certainly reinforce to him that he better is watching, no matter where he goes! I love that you have spies everywhere!
that is so hilarious, i can hardly stand it. the kid is gonna be known as elder mom's blog.
notariety through blogging... priceless. this is just rich, diane. rich.
YAY!!! I love it! And all because of a little wate of time thing called blogging ;)
Diane - Are you serious? Because of blogging your son has become blog stalked!
My mom rocks. She will take good care of your boy. To bad she is such a world traveler...she will be gone for Christmas.
Just let me know if there is anything else I can do for you darling.
I think this qualifies me to be added to your favorites list.
That is so fun! Awesome. Hope you are all feeling better.
That is amazing! Andrea was is a blogging mafia circle!! Power to the Mafia!!!
Awwww, a great handshake and a ready smile!!! Such a great missionary and a good boy!!
I hope I have blogger friends wherever Jax goes in 13 years...
This is awesome. If we were headed to Boise, we'd invite him for Christmas! But my mom will be here.
I love these rare blogging full circle moments.
that is so sweet - just a little bit of firsthand information goes a long way :)
Oh my goodness. That is too good to be true. I love it when blogging turns out to be as great in real life as it is on my computer.
Max goes on a mission (if I let him) in five years. I'm totally going to blog stalk him then. Great idea.
boo hoo, he must have been visiting some other ward Sunday. This weekend is stake conference so will look for him there!! hope to see him because we will be attending California wards for the following 4-5 Sundays.
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