I got a comment the other day from Connie. She invited me to visit her blog and said she had a surprise for me. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, not one but two pictures of my missionary boy.
The Idaho Boise Mission or IBM needs to be renamed the It's da Bomb Mission. Those people know how to take care of their missionaries and their mommas
the guy in the middle totally looks like joey from friends.
Connie is awesome and so are you. I laughed at, "When what to my wondering eyes should appear." You are so cute.
Way to go Connie!
Those Idahoans know how to have a good time.
Small world! I guess it can get a bit crazy up there in Idaho ;)
What a great surprise!
It's da Bomb Mission. You are hilarious.
I guess my stalking duties are taken care of?
Let me know if you need a care package delivered.
Hooray for blog spies! When Sam goes on a mission in 7 years it better be to a blog-friend location.
Blogging shrinks the world, doesn't it? I need to track down our missionaries and see if their moms are online.
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