A stroll down memory lane
- 60's
music-Mr Zimmerman was my music teacher at school. His brother is Bob Dylan. We learned Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head and He Ain't Heavy, He's my brother
fashion-I loved my maxis, dresses not pads
home decor-my job was raking the orange and red shag carpet
hair-every Saturday night I sat under the portable hair dryer with the little cap. My mom back combed my hair and told me "It hurts to be beautiful."
technology-We got our first colored TV
- 70's
music-The Osmond brothers in the early 70's, Boz Scaggs in the late 70's
fashion-white patent leather go-go boots
home decor- we had foil and flocked wallpaper, groovy
hair- I was the first girl at my school to get the Dorthey Hammel wedge
technology- we got a microwave oven
- 80's
music-Donna Summers
fashion-wedding dress and maternity clothes
home decor-my house looked like a country boutique, stenciling, dusty blue and mauve
hair-perms= UGH-LY and claw bangs
technology-we got a home computer.
- 90's
music-lots of Barney and Disney
fashion-I'll admit it. I wore some bad vests and Christmas sweaters
home decor-hunter green carpet and red and white buffalo plaid sofas
hair-I thought I was Demi Moore ala Ghost
technology-got my first cell phone
- 2000's
music-everything from Alicia Keyes to Michael Buble
fashion-Mom wear with a funky twist...I try
home decor-mediterranean traditional or something like that
hair-some version of a bob
technology-ipod, I learned to e-mail and blog last year
cutest pictures of you and i am glad you learned how to blog - you're a pro!
And where would we be without the remote control? As I read through those lists I thought of the times I wanted to tell my kids "when I was a kid..." but I usually bite my tongue. Oh the country blue decor, gag! I love this post. Who would believe that you had your hair like Demi Moore?
Now if you still had the purse and go-go boots you'd be on the cutting edge of fashion all over again.
Country blue and mauve - that image brings back so many memories of some of my favorite houses - the inventor of that trend got, very, very rich!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Diane!!!
I could have written this. Holy cow! I raked our orange shag carpet at home. It was my job...so pretty when it was done!
I had hot pants with peace signs on them that had a huge flare at the bottom so my white patent leather gogo boots could be worn! Ahh, memories!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Diane thanks for sharing your pics love em....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I miss you!
love the list how fun! annemarie told me all about your foil and black wallpaper. so beautiful.
Happy Birthday!!
Bob Dylan's brother for music? Holy cow! You're famous.Love your list. I wanted the Demi Moore Ghost haircut. With this curly hair it looked more like a rats nest.
Happy Birthday! those pictures are awesome - I can't wait to see a Dorothy hamill-esque picture - hope you have a great day
Yea, well...I had to rake the white shag carpet in the master bedroom. Yuck.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Love you!!!
Diane, I have some bad news for you. It turns out that you actually grew up to be DJ Lance of Yo Gabba Gabba.
See the Proof
Happy Birthday Diane! You were and still are adorable/beautiful. I hope your day is full of joy!
Happy Birthday! I loved the stroll down memory lane.
Have a fabulous birthday! Love the pictures from your childhood! I love that your Mother told you it was painful to look beautiful!
No way would I have pictured you in the mom vests. Tell me you didn't really. Please.
Happy birthday! Live it up, sista!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! How cute are you? I hope your day is GREAT!!
I love it Diane! Happy Birthday.
What a great list...and boy did it bring back some memories.
Adorable picture of you with your red purse. Some where along the way did your passion change from purses to shoes (tee hee!)?
Happy, Happy Birthday, Diane, dear,
Happy days will come to you all year, If I had a wish then it would be: a happy, happy birthday to you from me!! (Primary memories!) Hope your b-day is great!
Love you!!
ahhh. i love you.
can i have my yarn pony tail ribbons back please?
oh, never mind. it's your birthday. go ahead and keep them.
I love your glasses! You always had geat style, Happy Birthtday!!
Hip from the beginning, obviously!
Happy BIrthday!
I request a Demi picture...oh..and a Dorothy Hamel would be good too.
The big question is...what kind of shoes were you wearing?
Happy Birthday Diane! Full of fashion right from the beginning. Love the red purse!!
Happy birthday! I'll bet you were stylin' through every decade, too. I think we have similar hair histories :)
I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday. I loved the stroll down memory lane-got me thinking about my own stroll. LOVED the photos, but I agree: I'd love to see the Demi photo. Happy Birthday!!!! Since a birthday is your own private holiday, it's one of my favorites.
Not enough photos. I want to see the perms! Happy Birthday...
I stumbled into your blog just following links from one blog to another (linked from Tawnya's). But it feels like deja vu! My name is Diane, my birthday is September 10th, and I have a son on a mission (Connecticut). Small world, huh!
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