Thursday, April 17, 2008

Too Much Good Stuff

My sister suggested this post, so here goes. Her kids love my pantry. They think it's like AM -PM or 7-11. This is what it looks like on a random Thursday. It hasn't even been freshly stocked like it is when the boys are coming home or someone is coming to visit. It's full of junk food. In french they call it "Plastique food." My neighbor once told me "Your kids have the most colorful snacks!" Her kids love my pantry. There is a book called Whole Foods For The Whole Family, my question, is that a whole bag of chips as opposed to a half bag? Whatever you call it you really shouldn't have this much. We do have a lot of teenagers come to the house, and they are always hungry!


calibosmom said...

Mmmm...I'm hungry! Was your neighbor politely insulting you? How funny! Colorful people need colorful snacks and hey, if it makes everyone want to come hang out at your house, why not?

Jennie said...

you know how to keep the kids happy. you are the cool mom with all the good treats. that would be zach's own little heaven right there, he would sleep in there if he could

alison said...

Oh my gosh, you better watch todays Oprah!!!

Annemarie has mentioned several times the great snacks you have. My kids would love it!

ferntyler said...

I'm not letting my kids see this post. I'm happy if they think all you have is the orange tree :) otherwise, they'll never leave!

Annemarie said...

Oh yea, best pantry on the block. The first room the kids visit when we come. Stock up, the boys will be home soon!!...we'll be there shortly thereafter!

The Family Rasheed said...

What time can I come over to raid?

Maree said...

Diane, I now stalk your blog because I find it so amusing--linked over from Jen or one of the Sunshines. I have pantry envy, BIG time. Not so much because of the junk but because of the size! WOW!

Sunshine said...

Wow!...I'll be right over. I do love a good snack!

Bridget said...

I love seeing in other people's pantry. I see many similar items. Our snacks are quite colorful too. At least the fruit bowl is on the counter so when people see the kitchen they can assume we all just eat healthfully all the time.

Jen said...

Yummy!!! If we are ever in a crisis I know where I will be.

the wrath of khandrea said...

where are the oreos??!!

Jenna Harris said...

I totally jealous you have a pantry. My kitchen is so tiny that I have to store most of my food downstairs under the stairs.

It's also good to know what to be prepared with when your kids are teens. And I think my grocery budget is killing me now...